Car insurance is an important part of your daily life. If you own a car, you need to have insurance to cover it in order to legally drive it on public roads. However, this minimum insurance is rarely enough to provide you and the drivers around you with proper protection should you be involved in an accident. To help you better understand what’s in your car insurance policy, our Waterbury car ...
Commercial trucks can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds when fully loaded. This makes them very dangerous. A collision between a commercial truck and a passenger vehicle can have devastating results, and victims could suffer serious injuries or death. Our firm is involved with The Sleep Help Institute, an organization devoted to spreading awareness about sleep health and wellness. We recently ...
The Social Security Disability program allows many people to get the benefits they need in order to receive medical treatment and wage replacement when they’ve suffered a serious injury. However, the program is inundated with new claims each and every day, and getting and ultimate decision on your claim is not a short process. In fact, it can take anywhere from several months to even a year or ...