A comprehensive estate plan is comprised of several important legal documents that work together to protect your interests and end-of-life choices. Each document serves a specific purpose, and is intended to reflect your current personal, medical, and financial circumstances. For this reason, it’s important to update your estate plan every few years or after a significant life event. After all, a ...
If your family member passed away due to the negligent actions of a person, corporation, or government entity, you may be able to recover damages by pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit. In Connecticut, a wrongful death claim can only be filed by an executor who is acting on behalf of the decedent’s estate. If necessary, the court can appoint an executor if one isn’t already listed in the decedent’s ...
Buying a home can be one of the most rewarding lifelong goals you can ever achieve, but with home prices surging across the country, it may seem further and further out of reach for many people. This is because the typical 20% down payment is just too much for many young and first-time homebuyers to handle. And it’s easy to see why: with living costs also rising, finding $60,000 to put down on a ...
When you’re injured on the job, worker’s compensation can provide you with benefits you need to recover and even live your life comfortably if you’re unable to return to work at full capacity. However, these cases can be complex, and it’s not uncommon for their difficulty to make the process tedious and confusing, especially for those who have never had to deal with it before. Fortunately, having ...
Home service technicians are the workers who make it possible to live comfortably in a civilized society. Without their help, plumbing problems, electrical problems, heating and cooling issues, and so much more would be difficult to resolve and potentially risk seriously damaging your home or even jeopardizing your health. However, there’s a downside to hiring one of these professionals. As ...
Have you suffered a serious injury from something like a defective product? If so, you’re probably not alone. In fact, thousands of people may have suffered similar consequences from something like a dangerous drug, defective automobile, and much more. When this is the case, you may be considering filing a defective product lawsuit, but the sheer volume of the number of these lawsuits can be ...
If you’re considering selling a piece of property or buying a new home, one of the first steps to the process is to have the title history investigated to make sure there are no outstanding liens or other claims to the property which can otherwise hinder the sale. Ideally, the title will be completely clear of third-party claims and indicate that the person who’s selling the property is in fact ...
Gravity is both a blessing and a curse. This force of nature is the glue that holds our world together as we know it, allows us to live on the earth without being hurled out into the darkest depths of space, and even allows much of what we depend on in our daily lives to work as intended. However, it can also be a crucial enemy. Gravity acts on all objects equally, and that means anything that’s ...
Insurance companies are governed by a massive number of laws and codes that regulate how they should act and what they’re required to do. One of these requirements is to act in good faith, which essentially means to follow through on their promises as a policy distributor quickly and in the best interests of their policyholder. However, because insurance companies are in business to make money and ...
Have you ever noticed that after a long day of swinging a hammer or pickaxe that your back and arms start to hurt? These are injuries caused by repeated stress. However, you don’t have to do back-breaking work in order to cause a stress injury. In fact over time even small and seemingly innocuous motions can build up and create serious wear and tear on the body, resulting in tremendous pain. These ...
It seems like a headline we see all too often: a motorist was killed as result of a high-speed crash while flying down the road at insane speeds. It’s incidents like this that bring law enforcement, politicians, community safety groups, and car insurance companies out to all say the same message: speed kills. They also use this as justification for speed limits on our local roads, slowing drivers ...
Each year, thousands of people are killed and hundreds of thousands more suffer serious injuries as a result of car accidents. However, the overwhelming majority of these accidents come from well-known causes. In fact, when it comes to car accidents, these are known as the “big three,” and account for over 95 percent of all incidents each year. On this blog, we’ll discuss this “big three” of car ...
Car insurance is an important part of your daily life. If you own a car, you need to have insurance to cover it in order to legally drive it on public roads. However, this minimum insurance is rarely enough to provide you and the drivers around you with proper protection should you be involved in an accident. To help you better understand what’s in your car insurance policy, our Waterbury car ...
Commercial trucks can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds when fully loaded. This makes them very dangerous. A collision between a commercial truck and a passenger vehicle can have devastating results, and victims could suffer serious injuries or death. Our firm is involved with The Sleep Help Institute, an organization devoted to spreading awareness about sleep health and wellness. We recently ...
The Social Security Disability program allows many people to get the benefits they need in order to receive medical treatment and wage replacement when they’ve suffered a serious injury. However, the program is inundated with new claims each and every day, and getting and ultimate decision on your claim is not a short process. In fact, it can take anywhere from several months to even a year or ...