Marijuana Conviction Erased
State v. J.B.- Attorney Timothy “Tim” Fitzpatrick has successfully Petitioned the Court to grant his client’s 2009 conviction for possession of marijuana. In his Petition, Attorney Fitzpatrick referenced the changing marijuana laws in Connecticut and a very recent Supreme Court Case. The Judge agreed with Attorney Fitzpatrick, one of the first lawyers in the state to utilize the new laws, and granted J.B.’s Petition. The conviction record, police report, and any court/state records of the arrest have been erased.
“I’m very pleased with the result today. JB is a prime example of why our Legislature has been loosening penalties for minor possession charges. He has no other crimes and has been a productive citizen since making this mistake in 2009. He can now move forward with his life without the stigma of someone being convicted of a crime.” – Timothy Fitzpatrick, Counsel for JB